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How did you find Ann in the first place? Her writing, cynical as it may be at times, isn't weird as is typical for Hoover Hog material.

Ann and I traded zines back in the 90s and we kept in touch.

Reason TV just had an interview with Nancy Rommelmann, which had nothing to do with their standard subjects but did lead me to her blog. Since you have an interest in internet subcultures like "pro-ana" forums, as well as J. T. LeRoi, I thought you might be interested in this:
The linked article "Sacrificing Rebecca" is pretty good.

Thanks for the pointer, TGGP. My cup of hemlock.

I think Alpert's hoax was wicked sly. Contrast her public statements with those of opportunistic fraudsters like James Frey and it's clear that she was fishing in deeper waters.

The MBP story is fascinating.

The West Memphis Three got released recently. I've heard of a number of daycare/molestation panics where satanism was alleged, but that's one of the few murder cases I'm aware of coming off the tail end of that particular scare.

Impressive blog! -Arron

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