For various reasons, I'm trying to make contact with some certain particular individuals. If you know how to get in touch with said particular individuals, or if you are one of these particular individuals and you happen upon this page, please consider contacting me.
BILLY SPICER - Billy is/was a first-rate black & white illustrator whose dense and demented draftsmanship added value to the pages of a number of largely forgotten magazines hovering at the unstable fringes of the mid-90s independent publishing scene. I recall his work being a staple of Tom Crites' Malefact, but I believe he also did some stuff for ANSWER Me!, and for a creepy one-shot comic called Disappointing Circus. He also wrote about books and music for Michel Berandi's Panik magazine. Here's the only sample of his work that I've been able to find online.
MIKE HOY - Mike Hoy, as you well know, was the founder and proprietor of the now defunct mail-order book publishing and distribution catalog known as Loompanics Unlimited. I have a mailing address on file somewhere, but I'd like to contact him through the tubes if possible.
HOLLISTER KOPP - I think his real name may be Dave Scott, but I remember him as the editor of Gun Fag Manifesto, my all time hands-down favorite zine. He was also the frontman for The Legendary Boilermakers.